Resource Hub

Zimbabwe’s Cholera Crisis: Navigating the Depths of a Silent Epidemic

As Zimbabweans return home for the holidays, the country is battling a widespread cholera outbreak. Originating from contaminated water and inadequate sanitation, the disease poses a threat nationwide. Preventive measures such as handwashing, food hygiene, and clean water consumption are crucial. Government intervention and ongoing sanitation efforts are key to controlling the outbreak.

Breaking the Cycle: Addressing Gender-Based Violence Amid Festive Celebrations

The festive season often includes traditions symbolizing love, but it’s also crucial to address gender-based violence. Defined as harm based on gender, it stems from power imbalances and harmful cultural norms. In Zimbabwe, intimate partners are often responsible. The 16 Days of Activism campaign aims to raise awareness and address this pressing issue, offering strategies…

Cheers to Caution: Navigating the Hazards of Holiday Drinking

In December, the season of celebration, it’s important to be mindful of alcohol consumption. In Zimbabwe, guidelines recommend 2-3 standard drinks for men and 1-2 for women daily, with at least two alcohol-free days weekly. Underage drinking poses serious health risks and legal consequences. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to serious health problems and significantly…