Professional Skills & Expertise

About TSU

My name is Tsungai Madzingira and I am a healthcare consultant. My areas of expertise include but are not limited to management, recruitment, financial reporting, administration and marketing. I have a Masters Degree in Health Services Management from Griffith University (Australia). I spent 6 years down under, working in various healthcare administration and management roles. 

My expertise goes beyond just healthcare. I have completed certifications in Project Management, Supply Chain/Logistics Management and Sports Management. I have found that most of these skills are transferable and can easily be applied to projects in other industries. 


• Masters in Health Services Management – Griffith University 

• BSc Honours in Biochemistry – University of Queensland 

• BSc Molecular Biology & Biotechnology – Stellenbosch University

• Certificates in Project Management (Varsity Business School), Supply Chain Management (University of Cape Town) and Sports Management (University of Cape Town). 


Nearly a decade in various health administration and management roles including but not limited to Allied Health Practice Manager, General Practice Manager, Senior Receptionist, Administrative Assistant and Billings Clerk. 


Day-to-day operations 


Medical Billing

Financial Reporting 

Policy and Procedures 


Staff onboarding and training

Marketing and branding

Patient feedback

Digital Health/Telehealth

Team building (virtual/face to face)

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